Tuesday, November 14, 2006

T-shirt design 1


dennis story
WHAT?--Arden and i went to bugis st to check out the stores
HOW ?--Dennis leasing 1 of her 2 stores for 1.9k per mth
HUH ?--Store CSLA 1, 2nd floor corner,Bugis st
SO ?--Corner store means that we will have a free face of wall to hang sth

philip story
WHAT?--He's the management of the bugis st
WHERE?--Told us that he's doing this project called Little Singapore
AGAIN?--Little spore, a new building that sells rly sporean designs apparels and stuff


philip story chap 2
WHAT?--Arden and i met him at 3
SO ?--Gave us a proposal, with quotations and stuff
UH-HUH--$1585.50 for 59.57 sq ft,size of a normal toilet cubicle,$2260.65 for double the size
OKAY --1.Must rent 1 year,
2.deposit 3mth,
3. 2 wks free 4 renovation,
4.open fr 10-11,mus open fr 2 onwards.

ATH ELSE--1.Got a free space to hang our brand,
2.got discount now,abt 10%-20% depend on hw big n hw many space we rent
3.fr next mth, STB'll get tourist to come evry day

Plans and strategies

1.get ppl to join the project
2.get the proposal done
3.form a management once the ppl r in
4.market research


1.Getting the ppl,
-can get any1 interested in design n sell own stuff,nt money,friends preferred
-we can share cost,work out who tends the store,or hire some1

-arden's writing a draft,he got e format n exp
-jw got exp can help edit

3.Forming a management,
-market research team:gather info on who likes to wear wat
-design team :in charge of producin end pdts
-ideas team :keep coming up wif ideas 4 design team
-admin team :in charge of shifts allocation,finance manage,misc stuff

4.Market Research,
-covered in 3.


-aim is 2 form an interest grp,nt 4 money
-any1 can join as long as u got sth to offer
-members mus c this project as sth that
1.fulfil ur dream
2.allows u 2 gain exp,learn sth new
3.chance 2 meet new friends n working 2wards a common goal
-i'm sure tt this gona work out as long as evry1 jus chip in their share of talent,knowledge,interest,ideas

1 comment:

anythingucanimagineisreal said...

hey this is to YX:
2 more army related T-shirt designs:
1. A cross-section of an army personel showing his brain with a helmet on. then words on the brain would say either "error!" or "not functional".
2. a comic strip-like thingy.
picture 1 -a guy in uniform wearing a cast on his leg and having crutches.
picture 2 - he walks out of camp, looks around and takes the cast off then walks normally.
